Cohabitation reform
Please click here to view a PDF of this article Cohabitation reform: a bumpy road to nowhere? (First published in the Solicitors’ Journal) Tony Roe provides an overview of the steps taken towards cohabitation...Read more
Please click here to view a PDF of this article Cohabitation reform: a bumpy road to nowhere? (First published in the Solicitors’ Journal) Tony Roe provides an overview of the steps taken towards cohabitation...Read more
Please click here to view a PDF of this article “Law Commission launches review of laws on finances after divorce and end to civil partnerships”: Tony Roe comments The review will consider the use of financial...Read more
Government to commission review of divorce law on asset splitting Please click here to view a PDF of this article Justice Minister states that the Law Commission is the most appropriate body for the task Jus...Read more
The Myth of Common Law Marriage Please click here to view a PDF of this article Tony Roe, one of the family law partners at Dexter Montague, was interviewed recently on BBC Radio Berkshire by Sarah Walker. Sp...Read more
Please click here to view a PDF of this article Reconciliation & Relate; can we change our minds about getting a divorce? You are likely to have spent some weeks, months or perhaps even years contemplating...Read more