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Mediation information and assessment meetings (MIAMs)
If you want to take your case to court it is a legal requirement (in most cases) to attend a meditation inf...Read more
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My spouse is disposing of assets: Can I stop him?
All too often does a client present to us concerned that their spouse is disposing of matrimonial assets. It mi...Read more
Rebuilding Shattered Lives campaign
The Rebuilding Shattered Lives campaign aims to ensure that the law which helps victims of negligence is not eroded. Those responsible for causing injuries like Victoria’s m...Read more
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How does court the court make orders over children?
When a couple splits up the parties have to decide with whom their children shall live and how much they see ...Read more
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Love knows no boundaries, but divorce must consider them
If you are considering divorce and have ties to more than one country, then where you issue your procee...Read more